Monday 18 November 2013


Lately I've heard many people talking about depression, anxiety or stress and it's horrible that so many people feel sad, stressed or anxious about things - especially young adults. I mean when you are a teenager/young adult you are meant to look forward to your future, your entire life that's in front of you. But it isn't like that for many people, they are worried about many things. For example, school or family problems, or anything for that matter. 

I for one feel as if school put too much pressure on us nowadays with university applications, that their subject is the most important, that we should be doing lots of activities inside of school, and activities out of school, we should have a job, revise a lot and aim for the highest grades while being a nice person, respecting everyone and also mantain a social life. How can we even do that? 
I am a slight bit of a stress head myself, it doesn't take much to set me off granted. But from school I've had panic attacks, breakdowns where my entire body has kind of stopped functioning out of stress and then random body pains from stress. This to me isn't normal, and I'm not the only one who has this. I have friends who have anxiety issues or depression from a build up of events. We as young adults shouldn't feel this, in a sense we shouldn't even being thinking of things like this. We should enjoy school, enjoy the subjects we study to an extent and be able to go out sometimes and have fun and not worry in the back of our heads every five minutes that there is some task we need to complete or else we will fall behind. 

I have one teacher who has helped me so much in the last year, one I didn't think I would ever really get on with as she hadn't ever taught me until last year or had I even really spoken to her. But honestly as far as stress has come she's sort of been my saviour. I recently had a very tough couple of days, I'd been ill from stress and then I missed some school and I felt so far behind, I then gave myself a panic attack and I started crying and for a while I couldn't stop. Luckily I have the best of friends who kept me away from people and took me to see her, she sat us down and spoke to me. Of course what she said I'd heard a million times before, but she said something that caught my ear 'Don't under estimate your own abilities. You are as good as you want to be, as good as you work'. It calmed me quickly, she was right I can be anything. I have to work for it yes, I will go through stress but I have people around me, many people who care and want to see me succeed. Then we went over different ways to keep on top of work, if you can't find all your tasks on a post it note you are doing too much. You can have one day where you don't do anything, I mean anything at all. Be calm (easier said than done I know) and take it one day at a time. 

I still have days where I'm overly stressed and I don't even know how to function, and days where I just want to give up but there is light at the end of the tunnel I know that now. I don't know if I've shared too much. Anyway, speak soon. 

More later xox 

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