Monday 19 August 2013

Random, just a little update.

I haven't updated since my first blog as after my first blog I began to get more and more nervous for some reason, but I finally decided to update. Maybe it is my sleep deprived mind talking, my body clock is so random at the moment. I'm currently on my summer holidays, we have six weeks off for summer in the uk, we have only two weeks left now but I haven't been going to sleep until 4-5 in the morning and then waking around 11am, it's attrocious. Yet it's a horrible vicious circle. At the moment, it is a relatively normal time 11.00pm so I should sleep soon, but I'm sure what I'll do is log into tumblr and reblog pictures of Matt Smith and Doctor Who, and even gifs of Toby Turner into the night. 

So, I'm guessing I should just give you guys a little update on what's been going on. Well I had my As results last week, and I'm pretty happy with my grades but as I want to go to university, fingers crossed next year I need to work twice as hard this year in order to secure a place for myself. Although school has now come to the point where it is getting me down completely, even though I'm not there - I have two essays to write, a million books to read in order to be prepared for next year. I suppose as it's my last year in school I should also have fun and go out with friends, and have new experiences. Or I should make a mini last year in school bucket list. I'll think about that one. 

I've been reading more and more lately, for school mainly and I've come across a few brilliantly well written books and a few that have inspired me and allowed me to fall back in love with reading, maybe I'll do a blogpost on books. I'm a really big fan of reading, it's something that I spend quite a lot of time doing, so much so that when I was younger my parents, grandparents and family called me 'Matilda' for those of you who haven't read the book, or seen the film it is a book by Roald Dahl. It's a childhood favourite of mine, it's a simply wonderful book and I even now enjoy to read it as a teenager. I remember being younger and adoring Roald Dahl books, it was a treat when someone read a Dahl book to me.  

More later oxo